How to Update an Existing Vector in Qdrant Using an External Database for UUID Management

Most efficient Solution I’ve Found

Charlie Greenman
5 min readFeb 5, 2025

When managing vectors in Qdrant, a common challenge arises when you need to update an item without performing an extra lookup directly within Qdrant. Traditionally, you might store the item in Qdrant with an identifier and later query for that identifier before updating. In my approach, however, I use an external database to manage metadata — including a UUID for each item — so that you can retrieve the UUID from your primary datastore and then use it directly to update the corresponding vector in Qdrant.

This method streamlines the update process by offloading the identification management to your own database. You simply store the UUID when the item is first created, and later, when an update is required, you retrieve that UUID from your database and perform the upsert operation in Qdrant. This strategy not only simplifies your code but also reduces latency by eliminating the need for an extra lookup step in Qdrant.

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The Traditional Challenge

Typically, the update flow might look like this:

  1. Insert the Vector: The item is stored in Qdrant with an identifier (which could be auto-generated or provided).
  2. Lookup for Update: Later, when an update is needed, you perform a lookup to extract the internal identifier or UUID.
  3. Update/Upsert: The update is then applied to the item using that identifier.

This two-step lookup can complicate your codebase and slow down the update process.

Our Enhanced Approach: Using an External Database for UUID Storage

To simplify the process, the idea is to manage your item metadata — including a unique UUID — using an external database (e.g., PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc.). When you create an item, you store its details (including the generated UUID) in this database. Later, when you need to update the vector in Qdrant, you first fetch the item’s UUID from your database and then use it to upsert the corresponding vector in Qdrant.

How It Works

  1. On Creation:
  • Generate a UUID: When creating an item, generate a UUID.
  • Store in External Database: Save the item details (vector metadata, payload, and the UUID) in your primary database.
  • Upsert to Qdrant: Insert the vector into Qdrant using the same UUID.
  1. For Updates:
  • Retrieve the UUID: When updating, query your external database to fetch the UUID associated with the item.
  • Update in Qdrant: Use the retrieved UUID in your Qdrant upsert operation to update the vector and payload.

By offloading the UUID management to your external datastore, you ensure that your vector updates in Qdrant are straightforward and efficient.

TypeScript Implementation

Below is a TypeScript example demonstrating this workflow. In this example, we simulate an external database using an in-memory store (for illustration). In a real application, you’d replace the database functions with calls to your actual database.

import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';
import { QdrantClient } from 'qdrant-client-ts'; // Hypothetical Qdrant client library
// Simulated external database (e.g., this could be a real database in your application)
interface DbItem {
id: string; // UUID
name: string;
// other metadata fields can be added here
// vector field is stored only in Qdrant in this example
const externalDatabase: { [key: string]: DbItem } = {};// Initialize Qdrant client
const client = new QdrantClient({ host: 'localhost', port: 6333 });
const collectionName = 'my_collection';
// Define interfaces for the Qdrant point structure
interface PointPayload {
[key: string]: any;
uuid?: string;
interface PointStruct {
id: string;
vector: number[];
payload: PointPayload;
* Creates a new item.
* - Generates a UUID.
* - Stores the item in the external database.
* - Upserts the vector in Qdrant with the same UUID.
async function createItem(vector: number[], name: string, payload: PointPayload = {}): Promise<string> {
// Generate a unique identifier for the item
const itemUuid = uuidv4();
// Store the item in your external database
externalDatabase[itemUuid] = { id: itemUuid, name };
// Optionally, attach the UUID to the payload for reference
payload.uuid = itemUuid;
// Construct the point structure for Qdrant
const point: PointStruct = {
id: itemUuid,
// Upsert the new point into Qdrant
await client.upsert(collectionName, [point]);
return itemUuid;
* Retrieves an item from the external database.
* In a real application, this function would query your actual database.
async function getItemFromDb(itemUuid: string): Promise<DbItem | null> {
return externalDatabase[itemUuid] || null;
* Updates an existing item.
* - Retrieves the UUID from the external database.
* - Uses the UUID to update the vector in Qdrant.
async function updateItem(itemUuid: string, newVector?: number[], newPayload?: PointPayload): Promise<void> {
// Retrieve the item from the external database
const dbItem = await getItemFromDb(itemUuid);
if (!dbItem) {
throw new Error('Item not found in the external database.');
// Build the update object using the retrieved UUID
const updateData: Partial<PointStruct> = { id: };
if (newVector) {
updateData.vector = newVector;
if (newPayload) {
updateData.payload = newPayload;
// Optionally ensure the UUID remains part of the payload
updateData.payload.uuid =;
// Upsert to update the vector in Qdrant
await client.upsert(collectionName, [updateData]);
// Example usage
(async () => {
const vector = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4];
const itemName = 'sample item';
// Create a new item and store its UUID in the external database
const itemUuid = await createItem(vector, itemName, { description: 'An example item' });
console.log(`Created item with UUID: ${itemUuid}`);
// Later on, update the item
const newVector = [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8];
const newPayload = { description: 'Updated example item' };
await updateItem(itemUuid, newVector, newPayload);
console.log(`Updated item with UUID: ${itemUuid}`);

Key Benefits

  • Centralized Metadata Management: By storing the UUID and other item metadata in your external database, you centralize your state management. This approach allows your primary datastore to serve as the source of truth.
  • Simplified Updates: When updating vectors in Qdrant, you simply retrieve the UUID from your database. This eliminates the need to perform a lookup directly in Qdrant, reducing latency.
  • Enhanced Maintainability: Decoupling your vector updates from identifier management results in cleaner, more maintainable code, particularly as your application scales.

Real-World Considerations

When adopting this approach, keep the following in mind:

  • Data Consistency: Ensure that the UUID stored in your external database always matches the one used in Qdrant. This consistency is critical for successful updates.
  • Error Handling: Incorporate robust error handling in production. For example, handle cases where an item might not be found in your external database before updating Qdrant.
  • Database Integration: In a production environment, replace the simulated external database with your actual datastore (e.g., PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc.), and adjust the retrieval and storage logic accordingly.
  • Upsert Semantics: Remember that Qdrant’s upsert operation will replace the vector and payload for a given UUID. If you need to merge existing payload data with new information, retrieve and merge the payload before upserting.


By managing your item metadata — specifically the UUID — in an external database, you can streamline the update process for vectors in Qdrant. This approach lets you retrieve the UUID from your primary datastore and then use it to directly update the corresponding vector, thereby eliminating an extra lookup step in Qdrant. As discussed in the Qdrant GitHub discussion citeturn0fetch0, explicit and deterministic ID management is a powerful strategy when building scalable, efficient applications.

This TypeScript implementation demonstrates how to integrate an external database for UUID management while performing vector updates in Qdrant. With this method, you can build robust applications that manage state effectively and update vectors seamlessly. Happy coding!


  • Qdrant GitHub Discussion — Best Practices for ID Generation citeturn0fetch0



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